Sunday 6 September 2015

Repainting the Apple Walk Frame

After a pleasant week off where we didn't do a lot (other than show Molly round the garden and drink quite a lot of tea), we've had a couple of busy days getting a few things sorted.

We started by repainting the apple walk, which hasn't been painted for some time, and has been starting to look rather grubby. It needed a couple of coats of paint, which we've now applied, and which will hopefully see it through the winter.

We spent half a day getting a bit further with the steps out of the dining room, which are now half built (the half in front of the third that opens 'first'!), and we've worked out which stones will form the rest, though it'll be spring before we build them.

Necessarily, the lawn needed mowing, and Liz has been weeding, but that barely needs mentioning.

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